acupuncture for depression

Ask an Acupuncturist - How Much Alcohol Can I Drink?

Ask an Acupuncturist - How Much Alcohol Can I Drink?

When we discuss diet and life choices with our acupuncture patients we are often asked about alcohol consumption. Is it okay to have a few drinks? How much and how often? How does alcohol impact our acupuncture meridians, our Qi (chee) and our overall balanc

Jason’s Path from Anxiety + Depression to Wellness + Balance 

Jason’s Path from Anxiety + Depression to Wellness + Balance 

Acupuncture is an excellent alternative therapy for people suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood disorders and physical symptoms related to these psychological conditions. In my 35 years of practice I have become alarmed by the increasing number of patients who present with these problems and symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, headache and muscle tightness, irritable bowel syndrome and other physical manifestations.