acupuncture for women

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

“When you share your experiences with acupuncture with family and friends you probably get asked a lot of questions. Here are some FAQs that will help support them into trying acupuncture and enjoying positive benefits. With summer ending and fall just around the corner, many of us look once again to organizing and optimizing our lives. This makes sense in Chinese medicine, as fall is associated with the metal element. The metal element is associated with organization and making choices based on value and purpose. This includes how to make changes to support our health and vitality.

How Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Women in Menopause

How Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Women in Menopause

At the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey we often meet women who complain of common menopausal symptoms. These include hot flashes, irregular menstruation – sometimes with heavy bleeding that is unpredictable and difficult, fatigue, low libido, vaginal dryness and discomfort, and anxiety.  Read more...

Kristina’s Recovery from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Kristina’s Recovery from Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

An increasing number of women are turning to acupuncture for treatment of a common gynecological disorder called polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS. PCOS is a complex hormonal imbalance that causes cystic inflammation on the ovaries and reproductive tissue. The cause of the hormonal disruption has been linked to many factors including genetics, birth control pills, environmental toxins such as plastics and air borne compounds, stress, early puberty, and artificial additives in food and drink.

From Baby-making to Bells Palsy

From Baby-making to Bells Palsy

I saw Shelly for the first time almost 8 months ago, and the first thing I noticed was a slurring of her words when trying to speak to me and her eye was constantly tearing throughout our conversation. Shelly revealed to me that she's a workaholic, often working late into the evenings after her children are asleep. She gets around four hours of sleep a night and has an extremely poor diet. She came to me about a month after coming down with the condition, which isn't ideal when it comes to using acupuncture for Bell's Palsy. Read more at

Improve Your Egg Quality and Promote Fertility

Improve Your Egg Quality and Promote Fertility

Chinese medicine projects many factors affect that egg quality. It takes approximately 3-6 months for an egg to be produced, so I use acupuncture and herbs for several months and I emphasize patience and stress reduction strategies while preparing the woman to produce a healthy strong egg.