acupuncture for women pain

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

“When you share your experiences with acupuncture with family and friends you probably get asked a lot of questions. Here are some FAQs that will help support them into trying acupuncture and enjoying positive benefits. With summer ending and fall just around the corner, many of us look once again to organizing and optimizing our lives. This makes sense in Chinese medicine, as fall is associated with the metal element. The metal element is associated with organization and making choices based on value and purpose. This includes how to make changes to support our health and vitality.

Treating Severe Pain with Distal Acupuncture

Treating Severe Pain with Distal Acupuncture

But when our energy is blocked or severely diminished, either by a traumatic accident or disease, pain and illness are the result. By restoring the flow of energy through the affected areas, we restore the natural healing properties inherent in our bodies.