healing medicine

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

First Time Acupuncture Patients FAQs

“When you share your experiences with acupuncture with family and friends you probably get asked a lot of questions. Here are some FAQs that will help support them into trying acupuncture and enjoying positive benefits. With summer ending and fall just around the corner, many of us look once again to organizing and optimizing our lives. This makes sense in Chinese medicine, as fall is associated with the metal element. The metal element is associated with organization and making choices based on value and purpose. This includes how to make changes to support our health and vitality.

To Flu Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? ‘Tis the Question for This Time of Year

To Flu Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate? ‘Tis the Question for This Time of Year

Many of my acupuncture patients ask if I recommend they get a flu or shingles vaccination in the fall or winter. There’s a lot of contradictory and confusing information regarding the flu shot and its effectiveness and safety so I’m including these articles that I hope will make it easier for you to make the choice that’s right for you...

How Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Women in Menopause

How Acupuncture + Traditional Chinese Medicine Help Women in Menopause

At the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey we often meet women who complain of common menopausal symptoms. These include hot flashes, irregular menstruation – sometimes with heavy bleeding that is unpredictable and difficult, fatigue, low libido, vaginal dryness and discomfort, and anxiety.  Read more...

Essential Oils + Acupuncture: Winning Combination for Healing + Wellness 

Essential Oils + Acupuncture: Winning Combination for Healing + Wellness 

These are just a few of the MANY oils I learned about in my course, and I can truly say that the effect you will feel once these oils are applied to you will be immediate and intense. Now that I have learned so many different oil techniques to help my patients in restoring their health, I will begin to incorporate their use into my acupuncture practice.

Healing Crystals + Acupuncture: A Powerful Combination

Healing Crystals + Acupuncture: A Powerful Combination

We've learned that these following stones may have a beneficial impact on our body and emotions by placing them on parts of the body that need healing, or by holding them or keeping them in your pocket. Crystals can both emit energy to the body and absorb human energy and refresh or cleanse it due to the vibrational quality of their mineral content and characteristic of absorbing and projecting light. 

Laurie's Conception Journey • Meditation, Yoga + Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Laurie's Conception Journey • Meditation, Yoga + Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Anxiety and stress have become a common part of many daily lives. This results in many illnesses and symptoms such as disturbed sleep, poor appetite, and unhappiness. Often this feeling of anxiety is new so the question is: how does this happen? During my many years of practice as an acupuncturist and practitioner or Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey in Morristown, New Jersey I have learned that the stress of trying to get pregnant becomes a major cause for anxiety.  Stress increases as a couple tries to achieve pregnancy and the longer the wait higher the stress.

The Joys and Health Benefits of Gardening

The Joys and Health Benefits of Gardening

As the weather gets warm I see more and more people start their annual outdoor gardening. It is fun and rewarding to plant flowers for beauty and vegetable plants for tasty, fresh nutrition. Herbs for cooking and health benefits can also be planted and will provide medicinal benefits and flavor in the months ahead.