ACNJ features

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

At ACNJ, we counsel patients in the important ways they can reduce inflammation and promote natural, healthy function. These healthy and easy to achieve guidelines will enhance your regular acupuncture treatments and greatly improve the way you feel and your ability to resist disease and lead a longer, healthier life. Read more...

Fertility Insights with Punita Jhangiani [Interview]

Fertility Insights with Punita Jhangiani [Interview]

My own experience with infertility has made me very passionate about this medicine. I had no problems conceiving my first child. However, my second I took 4 years to achieve a successful pregnancy. After many visits to reproductive endocrinologists I came to the realization to take a step back and start at the beginning. With a diagnosis of unexplained infertility, I wanted to use natural healing and emotional centering to bring me back to balance. I stepped away from the ART and was able to get pregnant naturally with acupuncture, herbs and meditation. Read more...

Ear Acupuncture + Auricular Therapy with Dr. Jonathan Holasek

Ear Acupuncture + Auricular Therapy with Dr. Jonathan Holasek

ACNJ practitioner, Jonathan Holasek recently attended an acupuncture conference in Washington. We spoke with Jonathan to share some of the many unknown benefits of ear acupuncture and excited to share it with you below, enjoy. Ear or auricular acupuncture uses hundreds of acupuncture points in the outer ear region that connect with the body's organs and many systems to treat a wide variety of disorders and conditions...

Getting to know Dr. Ted - Interview

Getting to know Dr. Ted - Interview

Get to know more about our new practitioner, Dr. Theodore Treantafelles (Dr. Ted) as he joins the team at ACNJ. He is a talented young doctor in traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture with a sincere passion to support patient well-being. We are excited to have him on the team and believe he will be a great asset to our growing wellness community here in Morristown, NJ. 

A Student’s Journey into Acupuncture

A Student’s Journey into Acupuncture

My son, Lucas Kadar has grown up with acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine, holistic health and living as a foundation his entire life. He's worked for several years in our Morristown acupuncture office and has seen first-hand how acupuncture has helped so many people get well and live a balanced life.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cold and Flu

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Cold and Flu

Between December and March there are waves of infection passed between family members and co-workers. We all know the common symptoms – alternating fever and chills, sinus congestion, coughing, headaches and sore throats, body aches and fatigue. We encourage our acupuncture patients to come in for acupuncture treatment and for safe, effective and natural Chinese herbal formulas that can significantly reduce the period of suffering and eliminate the need for harsher drugs like antibiotics and decongestants.

Scholarship Athlete Recovers from Injury via Acupuncture, Cupping + Gua-Sha

Scholarship Athlete Recovers from Injury via Acupuncture, Cupping + Gua-Sha

Lindsey had gone through physical therapy with limited success. She had even received dry needling, a form of acupuncture performed by physical therapists who have very little training, without good results. On her holiday break from school Lindsey came to the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey in Morristown to see me for evaluation and treatment.

The Mind Muddler - a Multitasking Illusion

The Mind Muddler - a Multitasking Illusion

Multitasking has been shown to undermine the ability for single focus attentiveness. It leads to feelings of stress and anxiety thereby diminishing satisfaction and joyfulness. Instead of increasing productivity multitasking increases the time it takes to complete tasks and reduces the quality of work accomplished, all while providing the illusion that doing more gets more done.

"The Emperor of All Maladies" + Acupuncture

"The Emperor of All Maladies" + Acupuncture

Over the years I’ve treated many patients who have received a diagnosis of cancer and have turned to natural, holistic healing methods. Most have done so in conjunction with conventional medical treatment: drugs, radiation, surgery, etc.

East Meets West - My Travels In India

East Meets West - My Travels In India

At the Acupuncture Center of New Jersey we integrate several of these healing traditions and practices and bring them into context with our understanding of our patient’s health concerns and experiences with conventional medicine.

Nurturing a Positive Attitude in 2016

Nurturing a Positive Attitude in 2016

As an acupuncturist I often treat patients with the following pattern: negativity leads to manifestations such as insomnia, anger, depression, and anxiety. The liver gets constrained which leads to irritation and anger; the heart will then disturb the Shen or spirit and creates scattered thoughts, anxiety, or depression.

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Chinese New Year and Infomagical Challenge: How to remain curious, active and sane! This weekend we are leaping into another Chinese New Year: The Year of Monkey.

Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

as an acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 35 years I’m struck by how often I witness these emotions and interpretations in my practice in New Jersey. As a healer, I often help my patients with their health disorders using the wisdom of Five Element dynamics to balance physical and emotional physiologies