
Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Elevate Your Well-Being: The Top 5 Acupuncturist-Recommended Exercises

Our expert acupuncturists have chosen our top five exercises to o complement your acupuncture treatments and support your journey towards improved well-being. Each exercise serves a unique purpose, catering to diverse preferences and needs. Let's explore these transformative exercises that have earned the seal of approval from our skilled acupuncturists.

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

3 Tips to Weathering Changing Life Circumstances Well

The weather...it’s how life is.  After weeks and weeks of a chilly, damp spring in the Mid Atlantic Hardwood Forest region of the US we have the most glorious weather. The sun is warm yet the air has been dry and breezy. The sky is as blue as can be, with white fluffy clouds.  Flowers abound, a riot of color, smells, textures. it looks like Oz. Read more…

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Green Your Interior Spaces with Plants

Could your home or office office have SICK BUILDING SYNDROME (SBS)?  If you or others in your environment suffer headaches, nausea, rashes, eye irritations or dizziness it just might be the problem.  Learn more and get ideas from Jane Brick (the plant whisperer) on how to make your spaces healthier!

Get Out While You Can

Get Out While You Can

Today many parents and children are fearful of “outside”, uncomfortable in an environment that has uneven surfaces, soil, and, of course, mysterious critters.  Some of the fears arise from legitimate concerns, like Lyme Disease, yet a thorough tick check in the evening takes care of that. A body of knowledge of the benefits of outdoor and wild place play has developed since my children were little.  These benefits include (read more...)

Jason’s Path from Anxiety + Depression to Wellness + Balance 

Jason’s Path from Anxiety + Depression to Wellness + Balance 

Acupuncture is an excellent alternative therapy for people suffering from anxiety, depression, panic attacks, mood disorders and physical symptoms related to these psychological conditions. In my 35 years of practice I have become alarmed by the increasing number of patients who present with these problems and symptoms such as insomnia, palpitations, headache and muscle tightness, irritable bowel syndrome and other physical manifestations. 

James’ Journey to Wellness with Crohn's Disease

James’ Journey to Wellness with Crohn's Disease

James’ Journey to Wellness with Chron's Disease - James was small for his age, and had a real difficulty with fidgeting in his seat when I was trying to talk to him.  It was exhausting just watching him flail around in his seat like a fish out of water! His mother appeared unphased by this behavior, but in my head I strongly attributed this to the permeability of his gut leaching things like unwanted sugars and gluten into his brain, causing the hyperactive behavior.

The Joys and Health Benefits of Gardening

The Joys and Health Benefits of Gardening

As the weather gets warm I see more and more people start their annual outdoor gardening. It is fun and rewarding to plant flowers for beauty and vegetable plants for tasty, fresh nutrition. Herbs for cooking and health benefits can also be planted and will provide medicinal benefits and flavor in the months ahead.

Nurturing a Positive Attitude in 2016

Nurturing a Positive Attitude in 2016

As an acupuncturist I often treat patients with the following pattern: negativity leads to manifestations such as insomnia, anger, depression, and anxiety. The liver gets constrained which leads to irritation and anger; the heart will then disturb the Shen or spirit and creates scattered thoughts, anxiety, or depression.

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Sane Monkey ∞ How to Stay Curious + Balanced in 2016

Chinese New Year and Infomagical Challenge: How to remain curious, active and sane! This weekend we are leaping into another Chinese New Year: The Year of Monkey.

Ringing Rocks, Autumn Bells and the 5 Phases of TCM

Ringing Rocks, Autumn Bells and the 5 Phases of TCM

And when you are busy hammering around in order to find the rocks among rocks that ring bells for you, keep in mind that in Chinese Traditional Medicine rock and its origin; Metal, is one of the Five essential elements or phases (wu xing) in a cycle that govern the flow of energy in the world outside and inside of ourselves.