healthy foods

Ask an Acupuncturist - How Much Alcohol Can I Drink?

Ask an Acupuncturist - How Much Alcohol Can I Drink?

When we discuss diet and life choices with our acupuncture patients we are often asked about alcohol consumption. Is it okay to have a few drinks? How much and how often? How does alcohol impact our acupuncture meridians, our Qi (chee) and our overall balanc

Healthy Bean Salads Perfect for Summer

Healthy Bean Salads Perfect for Summer

As acupuncturists, we often check in with our patients to help them make healthy food choices. Eating according to the seasons is an important adjunct therapy to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Here are our ideas for tasty, nutritious and healthy summer eating. 

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Five steps to nourish your mind and body during divorce

Divorce is stress season, no matter when it is occurring. While you can’t make someone who is out the door stay or stay when everything in you is pushing you out the door, you can choose to strategically reinforce your body's capabilities of handling stress through your choices of which foods to consume. Read more from divorce coach, Lisa Brick…

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

Key to High-Level Wellness: 5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation

At ACNJ, we counsel patients in the important ways they can reduce inflammation and promote natural, healthy function. These healthy and easy to achieve guidelines will enhance your regular acupuncture treatments and greatly improve the way you feel and your ability to resist disease and lead a longer, healthier life. Read more...

Spring Detox: Simple, Safe + Effective Ways to Greater Health + Vitality

Spring Detox: Simple, Safe + Effective Ways to Greater Health + Vitality

Many of our acupuncture patients ask us for recommendations on dietary changes, nutritional supplements, and weight loss and detoxification programs. There’s so much information on the internet and media that it bewilders many people, including sometimes ourselves as we read through new medical literature and research that we encounter daily.  Read more...

Vegetarian French Onion Miso Soup - Recipe

Vegetarian French Onion Miso Soup - Recipe

Celebrate the holidays with this vegetarian french onion soup with miso paste. "Here's my recipe for a lovely warming soup we will be making for our small Thanksgiving dinner for 26 people from ages 3 to 96!" ~ Dr. Peter Kadar + Lisa Brick. Celebrate gratitude!