
Electroacupuncture, or E-stim, is a powerful way to enhance the efficacy of many acupuncture treatments. Similar to the effects of TENS pads that are now common in many therapeutic and recovery settings like physical therapy, E-stim uses electrical impulses to stimulate muscles and tissues during treatment. A benefit of e-stim over TENS or any other over-the skin electrical stimulation, is that the acupuncture needle transfers the stimulation into the fibers of the muscle, rendering it much more effective than what you might experience at a physical therapy session. Patients who have experienced electrical stimulation both over the skin and through acupuncture needles find much more relief from the latter.

E-stim is not only indicated for pain conditions. It is also very helpful in treating anxiety and digestive disorders, and there is a growing body of clinical and scientific evidence supporting the use of e-stim for various conditions.

Our acupuncturists are highly trained to get the best results when using electroacupuncture. Many variables, including placement of needles, and frequency and strength of the impulses go in to effectively treating different conditions. Call us at 973-984-2800 to find how our acupuncturists can help you, or click below to make an appointment!

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