Long Covid

The effects of long term covid-related symptoms can be as mysterious as they are debilitating. Anyone suffering from long covid knows that although there are some common symptoms, no two people experience it the same, which makes diagnosis and pattern identification very difficult. Doctors who have studied long covid over the last two years speculate that these symptoms are due to fragments of the virus’s RNA remaining in the body, an excessive auto-immune response, or both. As Doctors and scientists search for a cohesive explanation and treatment, patients often find themselves adrift, with the uncertainty only compounding their condition.

At ACNJ, we use traditional methods to treat the individual presentation of every long covid patient. Systemic anti-inflammatory effects of acupuncture reduce symptoms such as joint pain, shortness of breath and brain fog. For those suffering from irregular heart beat and palpitations, our treatments to tonify the heart qi regulate heart rate and reduce anxiety brought on by sudden fluxuations.

Last, but not least, we work with patients through the psychological effects of suffering from a novel and poorly understood condition. All too often, a seemingly endless schedule of Doctors visits and specialist appointments leave patients suffering from long covid exhausted and with precious few answers. Our practitioners use acupuncture to alleviate this stress and provide an environment in which patients can relax while receiving treatment that will help them get back to their pre-covid self.

Contact our Office at
(973) 984-2800  or