energy imbalances

What's Qi Gong?

What's Qi Gong?

Chinese and Western medicines can seem very different, but they do have one thing in common. The idea that prevention is the best medicine. Within Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are several pillars or overarching modes of treatment. All of which can be used as an active intervention in acute or chronic disease or preventatively to avoid disease entirely.

Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

Fear + Anger: Philosophical Perspectives from Chinese Medicine

as an acupuncturist and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine for over 35 years I’m struck by how often I witness these emotions and interpretations in my practice in New Jersey. As a healer, I often help my patients with their health disorders using the wisdom of Five Element dynamics to balance physical and emotional physiologies

Gain Willpower + Address Addictions with Acupuncture

Gain  Willpower + Address Addictions with Acupuncture

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine not only offers therapies to reduce food and smoking cravings, such as acupuncture and dietary counseling, but it also explains the nature of these cravings in a simple, eloquent way.